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Bathroom Conversion in Greater Milwaukee and Surrounding Areas

Bath Planet of Milwaukee provides professional bathroom conversion in Greater Milwaukee and the surrounding areas. Switch from a tub to a shower or from a shower to a tub with our transformative bathroom conversions. Our expert team can create the bathroom of your dreams. We offer seamless bathtub replacements and new shower installations, all designed to fit perfectly into your existing space. Our products, constructed from non-porous acrylic, promise durability and simplicity, with no need for strenuous cleaning routines. Our conversions can be completed in as little as a single day, ensuring minimal disruption to your routine, with affordability at the forefront. Contact us today to receive a free bathroom remodeling estimate.

Remodeled new bathroom with blue walls

Tub-Shower Conversion

Bathtub to shower conversion is popular for many households. Whether you are looking for a safer alternative to climbing over tall bathtub walls or simply want to create a more sophisticated style in your bathroom, our professionals can offer you the remodel you desire. For just a fraction of the price, our showers can be installed in a variety of styles and colors to best suit your taste.

Transform Your Bathroom Into a Stylish Oasis

Converting your tub to a shower or vice versa accommodates your preferences and lifestyle for a more modern, spacious, and functional bathroom. Our team is dedicated to realizing this transformation with precision, efficiency, and personalized service. With our easy-to-clean, durable, and stylish shower options, you can indulge in a bathroom makeover that simplifies your life, enhances your property’s value, and offers a daily dose of luxury. Finish your day on a high note in a shower space that is designed specifically for you, backed by our commitment to quality and satisfaction. Get in touch with us now and take the first step towards the elegant and practical bathroom you deserve.

Contact Us to Receive a Free Estimate